Friday, August 22, 2008

Lemon And Tea Tree

NB : Check out my latest posting at :D

Aromatherapy oil can be divided into many grades according to their medicinal values. Just like, ginseng that can ranges from $10 to $100 for 100 gram. The same goes to aroma oil. Lavendula Vera in the market can range from $30 to $45 for 10ml. Clinical grade. Lavender can be from Australia, China, France or Bulgaria. Have a great day. Need to go for my workshop now. Tips for the day :D

This lovely angel reminds me of somebody that I know of. Her name is Maryln, an aromatherapist from New Zealand who once shared with me, her own favourite aroma recipe to disinfect the house and even cleanse a sick building or room. I believed in life, we are surrounded by lovely angels who manifested themselves into human beings to send us a message along the way. hhehehehee....

Marlyn's recipe is a combination of Tea tree oil and Lemon oil. When I know her in 1998, I was still using essential oil burner. She told me to simply diffuse 3 drops of Lemon and 3 drops of Tea tree oil onto my burner to boost up the immune system for the whole family.

I followed Marlyn’s advice and through my own research, these 2 oils works very well together to combat airborne disease. Its been so many years since we last contact each other. I have also lost her contacts, really hope she will get to read my blog. Marlyn, thank you very much for telling me such a good recipe.

More usage of Tea Tree and Lemon oil ......

1.Natural Antiseptic shower Gel. Apply 5 drops of Tea Tree oil & 3 drops Lemon oil into 50ml Shower gel/cream. Shake well. You can also use this blend when you go for your workout at the gym.

2.If you have recurring sore throat, the problem could lies in your toothbrush... You can either replace with a new toothbrush or put one drop of Lemon & one drop of Tea tree oil in a mug of water. Cleanse your toothbrush by stiring it in this mug of water. This water is not only antiseptic but also antibacteria.

3. If you want to reduce the amount of chemical used to mop your floor, you can add 5 drops of Tea Tree oil and 5 drops of Lemon oil into 1 liter of water. Final rinse the whole toilet with this water but be careful with the slippery floor :)

4. Bacterias in face towels can result in rough skin and pimples. In a small bowl, immerse your face towel with 2 drops of Tea Tree and 3 drops of Lemon oil for an hour. Thereafter, wash it again under running water.

5. You can also add 5 drops of Tea Tree & 5 drops of Lemon oil into a 50ml spray bottle. Shake well before spraying at the the virus area or wipe your telephone .

Today is 22082008, I shall called this Tea-Tree Lemon combination as - The Earth Guardian Blend to protect human beings from virus attack :D


Anonymous said...

Lao shi, u have

fairy scent : Lavendula + Grapefruit

Angel Scent: LAvendula + Rosemary

Now u have guardian blend.

I love the combinations, esepcially fairy scent. It helps to calm me down alot.


Anonymous said...

I wonder can the fairy scent be used on a 3 month old baby. Please enlighten me bryan.

I have been using 3 oil method for neck pain. It helps alot, but i am doing breast feeding. Is it ok

Anonymous said...

Woww. so many uses for the 2 oils. I only use tea tree and lemon to wipe the telephone and TV and mop the floor. Good more usages now!


Unknown said...

Thanks bryan. I also try using lavendula with tea tree to cleanse toothbrushes for my family. Have not see my daughter have ulcer for a long time. I will also try this combination. Thanks

Anonymous said...

I think lavendula vera with lemon works so well to prevent the bug flu.
Yes, I will try this 2 combinations as well.
One bottle of oil but so many uses! Interesting and worth the money.


Anonymous said...

Hi Bryan, I am also using burner because I like the romantic light effect.

I will try this method tonight.
So far, tea tree oil is very effective to control my acne at the back.

My son now apply the tea tree oil automatically to his army boots because he no longer get fungus at his feet. He even introduce to his army friends.

see you tomorrow at part 3


Anonymous said...

Hi sock luan,

Can you guide me on how to cleanse toothbrushes using the two oil?
Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Have been using clinical oil from a health shop since 2001. And i am happy to know you. But to alot of people lavender is lavender. Peppermint is peppermint. They dont bother. But those who use will understand the grade.

Thanks for sharing informations with us.

Unknown said...

HI Felicia, until i attended Bryan lao shi workshop. I come to smell fresh lemon oil. It give me a further in depth knowledge of aromatherapy. I used to get my lemon oil from wheellock Jurlique a BRANDED aromatherapy shop. They have very nice aromatherapy oil.

But after attended Bryan workshop, i can get the same quality oil at lower price. But sometimes i need oil urgently i will still get from wheellock.

Lao shi thanks for sharing all this vaulable informations.

Will support u


Unknown said...

Hi anonymous at 1.02pm,
I use 1 drop of lavendula and 1 drop of tea tree into a cup of water, then i put the toothbrushes into the cup and stir and stir.
That’s it!

Anonymous said...

I like this picture. The color actually remind me of tea tree + lemon. Very soothing color. Marlyn must be a very nice lady.

Anonymous said...

Bryan, before I know about your oils, I buy from anywhere but after I used your oils, I can feel the great difference.
Your aroma oil with medicinal value is very different from those I have used before.
Even the first sniff already tells a lot. Your oil is so fresh and real.
Thanks for bringing this awareness to me and many others.

Unknown said...

Freshness and real good medicinal properties is why I like your essential oil. Nevermind about the packaging.
Michelle is right. Essential oil with and without medicinal value is so different. Take your grapefruit pink for example. Yours is sweet smelling but the one I bought outside smell a bit sour.
Your lavendula vera is so relaxing but the one I got from outside gives me headache.

Anonymous said...

Ada, I used to have phobia against Lavender because I have a bad headache whenever I smell lavender. But when my colleague used it in the office, I did not get any headache but feels so relaxed instead. So from there I get to know about Bryan's products.
Have been using for more then a year already.
Bryan, you have taught me a lot of useful beauty and health tips. Very grateful. Thank you.


Unknown said...

I think besides the fact that Bryan lao shi only use fresh good quality oil, he also teach us how to use it in many ways. Making my money worth.

Now I look forward to tomorrow class!

Anonymous said...

Hi sock luan,

Thank you for your advice.