Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Gout --- Natural Remedies

NB: Updated http://www.bryanverygoodluck.blogspot.com/

GOUT: is joint inflammation caused by heightened uric acid levels in the blood. It deposits on the joints and causes inflammation. It can be sudden pain often the big toe with redness, swelling and fever. Do not neglect your health, you must consult a doctor if you experienced swelling.

Natural remedies: Eat less acidic food, eat more alkaline foods such as Chinese cabbage, cucumber, celery, onions, apples, peaches, cherry juice.

Potato Water: This remedy will cleanse joints, stomach and reduce inflammation if you have arthritis. Wash the potatoes clean and boil them without removing the skin. Drink the water before breakfast and lunch and bed for 2 weeks.

I have a friend who drink potato juice everyday for good health. Those who have tried potato juice, do drop me an email at info@omhealth.com. I want to find out how true is it.

NB: Updated http://www.bryanverygoodluck.blogspot.com/, collector's Qi Lin Jade and also 5 dynasty coins ready for orders.


Anonymous said...

I have bought celery, jap cucumber, red cherry n red apple at the supermkt yesterday.

I will eat fruit n veg diet these few days. My skin complexion has improved, super soft to touch with my hand n more radiant each day.

I love my beautiful activated Bloodstone Smoky Quartz with Tianchu fm Bryan Lao Shi.

I will only allow my Bao Bei to touch my beautiful bracelet bec they r really faithful n loyal to their owner.

I have received a lot of love n comfort n kissing me at my chin n neck by my Bao Bei. I love them so much with my heart.

Anonymous said...

Lao shi i love your facial scrub, skin texture improves alot. Can i use 3 times a week. Please advise. And i want to share with you vita serum did lighten my freckles.


Anonymous said...

The serum suit my sensitive skin. Thank you. I am looking for toothpaste that is chemical free too, but i cannot find. Lao shi can you share with us where to get it

Anonymous said...

I have consumed Nature's Way Primrose Oil, 2 capsule per day. It has helped me in healing my acne problem n maintains my hormonal balance.

Lao Shi, i am very charming n attractive, sporty to be a very beautiful woman in Sin.

I am very happy with gd result by using yr 1st Omhealth Astiquer Facial Treatment Cleanser without any regret at all.

Thk u, Lao Shi.

See u again on 10/01/08 on yr Feng Shui Talk fm 10am to 12pm at Civil Service Centre n course fee S$25.00.

U can travel by MRT Farrer Park n walking distance abt 5 to 10 mins to reach the final destination.

If u r interested in the abv Workshop with our Bryan Lao Shi, u can e-mail to Class@omhealth.com for yr registration.

Thk u for yr attention.

Have a nice wkday n wkend.

fm karen tong

Anonymous said...

Thye jade Qi lin is very beautiful, i saw one like that cost $2800 at Marina Square,laoshi how much are you selling> Can put price there.

Since using your cleanser and scrub for 2 months. I have some improvements in my skin texture too.

Can you organise a workshop onyour product usage.

Anonymous said...

I have been using Lao shi skin care for awhile. Is simple natural and soothing. Keepup the good work. And good luck to you lao shi and merry xmas

Anonymous said...

Gout is happening a lot these days, you might want to visit http://www.gout-treatments.org/ for a help curing gout.

Anonymous said...

those that have Gout normally avoid peanuts..

Anonymous said...

a footbath with your ginger oil is so effective for my aching foot.


Anonymous said...

about the Potato water , potato need to put how many? and boil with water for how long? half an hour? drink everyday? because my hb got GOUT, i want to boil potato water for him to drink.
thank u.