Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Cancer Care with aromatherapy

Best Oil for those who are recovering from cancer issues are

1) Rose Geranium, Lemon, Frankincense and grapefruit and lavendula vera

Mix 3 drops of above with 15ml rice bran oil and let them massage shoulders and chest daily. Best after chemo or radiation therapy.

Just dont give up hope and even doctor say no hope, u can work with aromatherapy to balance the mind. And who knows? Aromatherapy is the use of essential oils from plants to support and balance the mind, body, and spirit. It is used by patients with cancer mainly as a form of supportive care that may improve quality of life and reduce stress and anxiety. Aromatherapy may be combined with other complementary treatments like massage therapy and acupuncture, as well as with standard treatments.

I have a very direct para to share , I hope won't offend anyone:
My aromatherapy teacher says: Even is a hopeless cancer, I will want to die happily and the last breath on death bed, I will surround myself with aroma before leaving the world
.... Master P Lee.

Aromatherapy (using clinical oil) is the care for elderly too and terminate disease patients as it brings calmness.

I have helped to blend some massage oil all these years for some cancer patient. Although their cancer is too late le, but they use to massage their body. And I have some feedbacks from their child that they leave this world with a smile; Aiya I dont know why I type this line will wanna tear one....

When a person has terminal disease, high percentage will over spend on supplements and than one stage will wanna give up.

Supplements be very careful, I see some pay alot on chemo already still pay like $800 a month of supplements. Comeone, if supplements really works why is it not published in medical journal.

I hate supplements who over promise and work on the vulnerable heart of cancer patient and give them false hope.....

Cancer care oil are the above as other oil may not be so suitable
For cancer there are some points to keep in mind when using essential oils and aromatherapy:

  1. Keep massage light, and avoid deep massage over muscles as well as near the lymph glands.
  2. Do not massage areas that have been irradiated.
  3. Do not massage areas that have skin cancers.

Cancer Prevention Herbs (take once a week, a cup warm)

Sir Hua Tuo focused a lot on preventive measures and health maintenance. I really hope everyone can understand and learn more about the 5 elements theory to achieve a balance in health and well-being. With so many processed food and "unsafe" food surrounding us, it is therefore very important to have a strong element body system. Our body system is a smart Organ as a whole. If our defense system is strong, our body system will know how to kill bacteria by itself. Nourished cells feels happier and prevent cancer . Many cancers are cause by negative emotions trapped in the body. All of us must learn how to release.
The herbs used in this recipe are cheap and good to prevent cancer and remove toxic. Cancer patients may also ask a Chinese physician to prescribe the right dosage for you. If you do not have cancer, you can drink this to prevent cancer and tumors. Drink once a week. Good health starts with prevention and maintenance.

半枝莲 + 蛇舌草
You can get the herbs at a medical hall. I usually buy a mixture of these 2 herbs at about $1.50 to $2 for 3 persons. I boil the herbs with water for half an hour for whole family to drink once a week. Once a week is enough as it is quite cooling.

However, if your body type is super weak or you have just finish your chemo or cancer therapy, you can add a bit of Dang Sheng (2 long pieces) and 5 red dates.

NOTE: If you have any HEALTH PROBLEM, do not self treat. This recipe served as an information sharing, It works for my family as we have been drinking it since 1980.

Scientific research of 半枝莲

解痉祛痰作用,抑瘤作用:对急性粒细胞型白血病血细胞的抑制率大于75%, 免疫调节作用, 促进DNCB诱导的迟发型变态反应, 抑制ATP, 抑制幼虫的生长生,Heliothiszea幼虫的生,对血管作用,黄芩素甙有增加脑血流量,降低脑血管阻力,提高血脑屏障通透性,以及对抗由二磷酸腺工苷引起的血小板凝聚作用。


Anonymous said...

Lavendula Vera helps to sooth my scalded skin and cuts fast and effectively.

Anonymous said...

Halo bryan oh really feel good and enjoy for saturday practical class it is a good try for us learning how to change our mind more calming and less animosity,also thanks for sharing those beautiful flower in the video clip.cheers!

Anonymous said...

the practical class was rather special. I feel good after it. It heals my tired mind.

Miss tay

Anonymous said...

So so true, me too experienced the same good effects from lavendula vera


Unknown said...

Hi bryan,
I am really stressed out by my son's exam. I did the ginger footbath to have a better sleep.
I also let my son do the grapefruit and lavendula footbath and put a amethyst mala under his pillow for him to sleep better.
I think it helps. He looks fresh the next morning and told me he has time to check for his maths papers. My son will have puffy eyes and running nose whenever he did not sleep well.
I think I will let him do footbath and use the mala even when he has no exam.
Thanks a lot

Anonymous said...

Hi Bryan Lao Shi.

I really enjoyed myself at yr Practical Crystal Class with a lot of happiness n laughter n learned n gained valuable knowledge n exposure to me.

I am so busy copying all notes fm u on a piece of A4 paper fm 10am to 12pm without going for my toilet break at all.

Thk u Bryan Lao for yr teaching n guidance to me.

fm karen

Anonymous said...

I love to watch yr video clip n listerned to nice english song for music therapy cum relaxation.

Thk u, Bryan Lao Shi.

Gd nite n Sweet Dream.

Unknown said...

This is one of my favorite song. Thank you so much for putting up this video.
Bryan, I like all your oils. Fresh and true quality. I wish I can have a sniff of lotus oil one day. Sandalwood and rose otto already smell so heavenly. I really wonder how lotus oil smell like.

Anonymous said...

Attn: Everybody

Course: Crystal and Color Therapy
Healing Class(Part 1)
Date : 1st Nov 2008
Time : 9am to 1pm
Venue : Toa Payoh Safra Club
at Kim Keat Room
Fee : S$108.00(30 pple per class
with nice class room

For class registration, email to class@omhealth.com.

Course : 5 Elements Exercise Class
Date : 6 Dec 08 & 13 Dec 08
Fee : S$30.00 for 2 lessons to
complete the course
Time : 10am to 11.30am
Venue : Toa Payoh Safra Club at
Kim Keat Room
(30 pple/class)

To register, email to info@omhealth title 5 element class.

Thk u for yr attention.

Have a nice wkday n wkend.

fm Dong Ming Xiang

Anonymous said...

i hv sent u an email on 22/10/08 yet no reply fr u. hope u can reply asap.


Anonymous said...

hi jo,

If really needs urgent attention fm Bryan, is better for you to call him.

If course registration, pls send yr email to class@omhealth.com


Anonymous said...

Hi Jo.

For all enquires email to info@omhealth.com.

If u r really interested to attend those 2 Workshop with Bryan Lao Shi, u can e-mail to the different email address for yr registeraton.

Jo, pls be more patient with Bryan Lao Shi bec he is very busy on 27/10 n 28/10.

I will alway sms to his h/phone, he will reply me back by sms only.
If he finds the case really serious, he will call me back immediately.

Thk u for yr attention.

fm Dong Ming Xiang

Anonymous said...

The practical class was good. I like the formation. I am surprised to feel the warm energy. Now I know what is energy flow. Thank you.


Anonymous said...

Hi Bryan, Gd Morning.

Time fly so fast. I have attended & completed all Workshop since April 2008. I love to attend yr Part 2, 3, Cooking Class, Crystal Practical Class & 5 Element Exercise Class.

If u can reschedule these Workshop into yr next yr Workshop Schedule 2011 upon request fm Newcomer. They will love to attend these Workshop very much.
Bryan, thk u for introducing New Pattern Workshop for yr old student this yr 2010.

Bryan, Well Done & Keep It Up.

Jia You, Bryan Lao Shi.


Anonymous said...

蛇舌草 is very cooling. Too much cause you jelly leg.

Anonymous said...

R u refering Jelly leg meant this Chinese Herb will cause yr leg have no strength to stand up or walk on our own?

Anonymous said...

Yes, try keep drinking any cooling stuff - LingYang,Barley,蛇舌草 within one day. You will know what I mean jelly leg.

Anonymous said...

My favourite song too. Can I have the name of this song, please.


Anonymous said...

Hi Bryan,
Can u give us this song name at this Video Clip? I want to add this song & be downloaded into my handphone MP3.

I can use this song for practising my Bracelet & Mala Breathing Exerise by listerning with my earpiece in Music Therapy at the Natural Park. I like it very much.

Thk u, Lao Shi(Teacher).

Thk u for yr attention.


Anonymous said...