Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Sinful Dessert

I finished this sinful dessert all by myself last night! Guess what? This morning sinus for me.....Remember I mentioned before people with Xu type of body must avoid very cold things at night. Slap myself for this! Hhaaahahahaaa...its too tempting to resist :D
To stop the sinus, I do a massage at the kidney area and inhale Peppermint and Lemon oil from tissue. Heheheee...the sinus stop and I am ok now :D
Yesterday "live" radio programme was very challenging and fun. Thanks to all for your support. Thanks for all the faxes and sms :D Hmmmm... there were
many faxes on depression and stress. You must really learn to LET GO. It is 2 simple words but not easy to do it. BUT, if you do not make an effort, you will never learn.

Breathe in NOW, deeply... Hold your breath for 15 counts. Then exhale....... Breathe in....hold for another 15 counts.......exhale.... :D See.... feel better right.

NB: Updated Next week, I will be very busy with an ISO 9000 audit for my part time consultation work. Its another busy week for me....


Anonymous said...

I cannot drink cold water, i will get my stomach bloated with wind n so embrassing with this horrible experience.

Our body type is cold n very weak in body immunity n with sensitive nose n cannot stand aircon rm n must wear extra clothing or sweater to keep our body warm.

In Nov n Dec, it is really raining season, humid climate with damp energy trapped inside our body n so painful. We must boil damp energy tea, mashed raw ginger n lemongrass tea to expel damp energy n expel wind fm our body.

I am in the process that i will let go my hand of Jungel Bell n focus all love to Kelvin, Crystal for love n comfort bec Kelvin is very insecure.

Anonymous said...

U r alway caring n very thoughtful to share with yr valuable knowledge n exposure to yr student at 2 Blogs.

Bryan Lao Shi, pls take care of yrself, more rest n cook plain porridge to eat for yr meal today.

Bryan, thk a lot.

Anonymous said...

Just want to thank you. The mala hsa helped to overcome my headaches and maigrain. I have seen TCM and western doctors for months. SO i decided to try using mala breathing exercise. It works.

Thanks so much.


Anonymous said...

What is mala? I cannot find in this blog. Lao shi thanks for your advice on using 3 oil for backache. It really helps. I have magrain too, can anyone tell me what is mala?


Anonymous said...

Hi June Uat.

Mala is a praying bead by our bryan Lao Shi.

fm karen tong

Anonymous said...

Hi June Uat.

U can click to the same page Fri, Nov 26, 2008 n then click to another blog http// n row down yr page to Fri, Nov 21, 2008 what is 54 beads Mala look like n properly activated by Bryan Lao Shi for healing n protection n very beautiful in purple colour n with Dzi?

fm karen tong

Anonymous said...

lao shi

Can you put the 'tang yuan'recipe that you mentioned on Love97.2 on the blog becos missed the most part.

Thank you

Anonymous said...

Our Bryan Lao Shi with 20 yrs cooking experience at his kitchen.

I also miss out his live Love 97.2FM Talk at 4pm on 25.10.08 bec we r not allow to switch on our radio at all by our employer.

The basic cooking of Tang Yuan is Finest Glutinous Rice Flour, 20 cents Pandan Leave, Brown Sugar to taste n abt 3 to 4 bowl of water for boiling. Filling to be used n unknown to me.


1) Put some Glutinous Rice Flour with some water into a dough n slowly used our hand roll into a smaller ball, add some washed pandan leave n add brown sugar(orange colour).

2) If the Tang Yuan have floated up on the boiling water, they r properly cooked n ready to be served.

fm mingxiang

Unknown said...

Thank you for the activated 54 beads amethsyt mala. I seldom have migraine now. My head dun have the heavy feeling already.
Thank u

Anonymous said...

Hi Hwee.
Can i ask u, did u do the breathing exercise with your mala cos I did that and my head feels lighter and mind clearer after doing that for a while. I was still wondering how it happens!


Anonymous said...

Bryan lao shi,
I think all your useful health and beauty informations has prepared me to become a good housewife.
My mother-in-law to be is now my good friend! She likes all your soup recipes and her favorite items are the anti aging serum and neroli oil.
Thank you.


Anonymous said...

Hi! Friends, Bryan Lao shi on Radio 972 was mention about : ei hie tang yuan.
Ei Hie: 50g , Glutinou Rice Flour 300g , Sugar 30g , water 200cc.
Soup : black sugar & kwee hua
All must try. No regret.

Thank you Bryan Lao shi.

Anonymous said...

Hi Anonymous at 11.00pm, 26/11.

Thk u for sharing with us our Bryan Lao Shi receipe at his Blog bec we have missed out his Love 97.2FM Live Talk on 25/11/08.

I have just started n using my 1st Facial Cleaner fm our Lao Shi since 25/10 n consumed Nature's Way Primrose Oil (2 Capsule/day) for nearly one mth.

I am recommended by my exercise girlfriend that she has skin problem with dryness.

Evening Primrose Oil will improves hormonal balance n keeps skin supple n radiant.

Bryan, thk u for gd recommendation of Vit B Complex with C to fight against bad cold/flu.

I am actually looking around for any calcium capsule for my own consumption bec my calcium level has dropped.

Hi Ladies, thk u for sharing of using Facial Sponge to wash away compact powder with water n properly cleansed any excess powder on our face.

I am very happy with great improvement in my skin complexion/texture, spore getting smaller n very radiant.

fm Dong Ming Xiang