Friday, November 28, 2008

Thank you

Very often, a person's luck come from our Gui Ren and help come from everywhere.
I would like to express my heart felt thanks to a photography company for helping me with the pictures of all my products for my new website :D
These are some samples. I was told that there will be some very nice refreshing shoots as well. Everything is sponsored. I am very grateful. Thank you very much. The person-in-charge told me his mother is using my products and likes it very much. Wa....really touched when I hear this.... Thank you Thank you...thank you. I am really overwhelmed with Joy. This is the first time I see my products from a new angle. The work of a professional photographer! I never knew my products could look so nice with good energy.
"Thank you Mrs Yong. Thank you for asking your son to do this for my website. Very grateful to you for your support. This is the best Thanksgiving Day gift I received yesterday."

My teacher taught me it is important to use a good bottle for aromatherapy. A good blue bottle is just like color therapy and the oil can be kept longer and has higher healing energy. I understood what my teacher meant after I did some tests. All these years, I choose to use the most expensive ones from UK because of its quality. I noticed the cost of the bottles have increased over the years but don't worry, I will absorbed the cost.. I feel it is more important to let people understand the true benefit of aromatherapy and experienced it for themselves. A good oil must be fresh and of clinical properties.

NB: I will be activating Gui ren Bags and 5 dynasty coins today. Thanks for your patience if you have placed your orders. The items must be activated at the best time with Zu sa or 5 elements. I went to Takashimaya yesterday and I saw a beautiful X'mas tree decorated nicely with purple decor! Hahhhahahaha....
If you have the time, you can decorate your house with some purple colors in your living room!


Anonymous said...

Hi Bryan Lao Shi.

We r really blessed , cherished n love u with gratitude as our gd Lao Shi cum friend, Gui Ren, En Ren bec u have taught u a lot of useful Healthy n Beauty Tips n save $ to be a wise consumer in Sin.

Bryan, u have changed my mindset fm negative thinker to positive thinker that i really enjoyed myself at all Workshop/Seminar with a lot of happiness n laughter at yr Class this yr 2008.

I am grateful to u, Bryan Lao Shi for teaching or guiding me this yr 2008. I tell honestly u, Bryan that i love yr beautiful n specially selected activated bracelet for me.

Bryan, may god bless u with gd health, keep smiling n successful career.

Bryan thk a lot.

Anonymous said...

Hi Everybody, gd morning.

There r still 40 seats left for this Workshop on Feng Shui with our Bryan Lao Shi.

If u r interested to register yrself at our Bryan Lao Shi Feng Shui Talk on 10/01/2009, u can e-mail to for yr registration.

Date: 10th January 2009
Venue: Civil Service Centre
Time: 10am to 12pm
Fee: S$25.00/Person

U can travel by MRT to Farrer Park n Exit B n walking distance abt 5 to 10 mins.

Thk u for yr attention.

Have a nice wkday n wkend.

fm karen tong

Sherrie said...

Hi Bryan 老师

waiting anxiously for your new website & thank you for telling us the use of purple color decoration for our house. how about our office, can we use purple too?

Thank you

Anonymous said...

Love your products. And i hope it will be off the shelf soon in major shopping mall.

Congrats and may all good luck with you.

Anonymous said...

Bryan , the scrub is really effective. My skin has become more radiant and with less outbreak.

Hope you will have sunblock soon.


Unknown said...

I like the facial scrub too. The cleanser is not bad also. Both are gentle to my skin but they cleanse well.

Anonymous said...

Hi bryan,
the hair dryer method did it again. I used it on my Feng Men point. I feel better abt half an hr later.

Anonymous said...

I have not tried Bryan's facial scrub but I do agreed the cleanser is good. I also highly recommend his vita serum and nite cream. Excellent!


Unknown said...

Hi Bryan,
I just did a facial steaming using frankinsense oil. OMG!!! The aroma is simply alluring! The whole bathroom smells so nice. Even my father likes the aroma :>

Anonymous said...

Hi RuRu,
I like to do facial steaming with lavendula vera and rose geranium once a week. The aroma is also very nice and my face has a radiant look after that.

Lao Shi advised me to use a serum or neroli oil after the facial steaming. The effect is very obvious. My complexion looks better on the following day.

Anonymous said...

Hi bryan,
I am more conscious about my looks ever since my gf starts to make comments on my big stomach. I am also facing crisis on hair thinning too.

I have been applying your slimming serum for 2 months, following the 3 days diet meal and pressing the Guan Yuan Xuan. I can feel my pants/jeans loosen a bit. My stomach feels firmer now.

I like Rosemary oil and lavendula vera oil too. Together with a massage using the wooden comb, I saw an improvemnt in hair growth and reduction in hair loss.
I am a very happy guy now.

Thank you

Anonymous said...

Hi Bryan.

Wow, i am really happy n finally reunited with my wooden comb for searching for it today.

I love to use the wooden comb for combing my hair everyday.

I will be planning to go for praying at Guan Yin Temple n Singapore Botantic Garden for my breathing exercise with my bracelet.

Anonymous said...

Hi Anonymous at 11.21pm, 28th Nov.

U can try buying n consuming Vitamin B Complex at Guradian. It helps support a healthy nervous system and energy production.

U can also buy Ocean Health B + C Complex at S$35.90(60 caplets) at Watson.

Sry, i have stopped here bec i am going to the natural park for my breathing exercise with my beautiful bracelet n played with my Bao Bei for love n comfort.

Gd luck to u.

fm ming xiang

Anonymous said...

The lavendula water smells sooo goood....I like it...
