Sunday, October 11, 2009

Love with Bryan's Aromatherapy

Bryan's Clinical Aromatherapy was introduced in Singapore since 1997. With now , we have more than few thousands who have experienced pure aromatherapy.

If you are feeling tired, stressed, can't sleep, aching body at the end of the day, or simply looking for a more natural way to enhance your health, beauty and vitalist, look no further :D
Bryan's Aroma Color Music Acupressure workshop is just the RIGHT one for you. Companies who are interested to invite me for a company workshop, drop me an at . Your staff will be assured with a very fun and enriching session :)
27 Nov 2009: Health and Beauty with Bryan on Aroma color music acupressure for first timer only. 7pm to 9pm, Cairnhill CC.
Oil of the Week: Bergamot. Refreshing and uplifting. Good for depression, anxiety and stress. Use in hand bath or tissue inhale method for maximum effects.
Fresh arrival of Bergamot at $38 per bottle.


Anonymous said...

Best workshop and world class . XIE XIE happy birthday to u 9th Oct lao shi and may u succeed all u do.

Anonymous said...

I have completed my Crystal Practical Class on 30th Oct 2008 n Crystal and Crystal & Color Therapy Self Healing Workshop on 13/9/2008.

I am very excited n looking to attend yr Prana Qi Class and Singapore Botantic Gardens Charity Walk in Oct 2009. I am looking forward to attend yr Crystal Color
Therapy Practical II very soon.

Bryan, u have shown great improvement in introducing all Workshop in Video Clip with nice songs since Aug 2008. Bryan, Keep It Up and Well Done. Bryan, i wish u advance Happy Birthday on
9th Oct 2009.

Bryan, pls take care and enjoyed yr trip to HKG.

Thank u, Lao Shi.

God bless u with gd health, keep smiling and successful career.


Anonymous said...

Bryan lao shi, thank you for sending out my orders. I received them just in time before the existing ones runs out. Sorry to rush you but your facial cleanser and serum suits my skin very well. I dun want to try out other products.

pei shi

Anonymous said...

Happy Belated birthday to u. Thank you for working on my orders. I didn't know you just came back to spore. Thanks a million.

Antiage set is ichiban!


Unknown said...

I think bryan's cleanser & facial renewal scrub are very good because my sensitive skin has finally something that is so gentle but cleanse very well.

Anonymous said...

Bryan, thk u for giving us a list of aroma oil r more suitable for Meditation and usage of each aroma oil. Thk u for teaching us another method of Meditation by aroma oil with tissue paper.