Saturday, October 13, 2012

Bryan Lao Shi 老膏药secret Blend since 1998

Many medicated and herbal medicated ointment in market are very commercial now; U know clearly, their ingredients are methanol, peppermint and few others chemicals. Seldom you can find our ancient herbal mix which needs cooking of herbs etc. Well afraid not. The following ointment is even more powerful than our ancient one. because using only pure herbal extract and directly use after mix. Many ointment once reached u, medical properties already lost.

Tips for making Bryan Lao Shi Vapour rub (10 times better than commercial rub)
膏药DIY power and only u have fresh

Lots of people use aromatherapy for colds, even if it's just a mentholated chest rub. But essential oils have healing properties far beyond a normal VICxs decongestant.

Bryan Lao Shi recipes is a remedies can relieve your aching muscles, soothe your headaches, clear your blocked, and give you a healthy boost of energy when you really need it. Or help you sleep if your misery is keeping you awake.

All the aroma oil use is bryan lao shi Qi aromatherapy since 1998.

For below, drip the oil in vaseline and use toothpick to mix, cover for half hour and ready to use.

 A) 七步断病长春膏

Vaseline 49gram ($2) or rice bran oil 50ml.
10 drops lavendula vera
10 drops peppermint
8 drops Marjoram sweet
4 drops frankincense
4 drops tonic oil (optiional)

Benefits: Pain , neck shoulder tension, leg pain, joint pain. [where pain massage where]
Try apply this ointment and kwa ur neck gently with kwa sa plate 35 times . Prevent stroke rejuvenate the whole body.

B) 七步养气还魂膏
VICKS Big Bottle
10 drops tonic oil
10 drops bryan relax blend
10 drops Lavendula vera
5 drops rose geranium
10 drops rosemary
5 drops Ginger Oil

Benefits: Stomach bloated, Nausea, indigestion [ massage stomach 54 times clockwise and press zu san li]Stomach health also helps in solving many health related issues. Apply daily before sleep. just a tiny bit at belly buttom.
[ increase sexual energy if appy daily 2 fingers below navel]
C) 七步消遥欢欢膏
Rice Bran Oil 50ml
10 drops lavendula vera
5 drops lemongrass
5 drops peppermint avenes
5 drops rose geranium
10 drops grapefruit Pink.

Benefits: Depressions and unhappiness, stored anger.
Apply stomach and wrist and press [shen men point]

  1. Use vapor rubs at night for best results when treating cold and flu congestion since they help you sleep.
  2. Soothe congestion symptoms with A).
  3. Check for skin sensitivity by placing a small amount of the rub on a patch of skin before using.
  4. Lower essential oil concentration for vapor rubs used on children. You should use a tenth of the amount of essential oils for children's vapor rubs and avoid peppermint oil.

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