Tuesday, June 26, 2012

sLEEP patterns

This year more than 120 people email and sms me. Many new comers reported to me they have sleep problems. With 80 % wake up at 3am or 4am and cant sleep. 10 % wake up at 2am. And 10% totally cant sleep.

Frankly speaking I am collecting data and have a major discussion with Doctors and natural therapist to fine tune the best method to handle this situations. While insomnia is not typically described as a disease itself, it can have signification impacts on virtually every part of your life, creating life quality issues that lead to further problems.

My report will be out in September , hopefully and I am quite sure. I will share in Silkscroll of health. I urge old friends, u all come for silkscroll of beauty and health. Benefits urself and others also de.

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