Sunday, August 19, 2012

Bryan's tonic Oil

The purpose of the tonic oil is let your body absorb all good herbs and do its circulation.

Colors of flowers and herbs reflects in the vibrational color of essential oils. As plants derive energy from the sun’s component rays which contain all the colors of a rainbow, they offer a special method of absorbing color vibrations into our system. Unlike synthetic substances, which have no vital force contained in them, essential oils are filled with living, pulsating vibrations.
Spending 15 years researching aromatherapy and color therapy , I have learned how they both work harmoniously together and blend to create a desired effect. Bryan's tonic oil is blended together with Sydney Therapist for this purpose. In this big bottle u can pour to smaller bottle and use it when needed.

Bryan's Tonic Oil should not be hot sensation or too minty.  The main purpose is for skin to absorb through body warmness than opening its pores thru peppermint (which we use 3 oil method to remove pain).

The Bryan's Tonic Oil works differently from 3 oil with cream as it more for health maintenance. U apply  lower back, neck shoulder and stomach before sleep is best.

Kaffir Lime Oil feedback is countless. Have you tried?

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