Sunday, September 2, 2012

Conitnuous Improvements

"Professor Cavanagh (At Japan now, Bryan's Teacher): Never be a Proud Specialist and turn to a ego freak. This may result in STOP learning mode.
Alot of professionals and doctors or healer, live in their own comfort zone and refuse to learn new things.
Bryan , be a student every year, upgrade yourself not just for yourself but for the benefits of others:>

As a result once every 2 years, I will gather important information to share with all in

I keep this workshop very simple, past few years I try to teach so much until overflow u with information. This year my approach is slow steady and less (is more).

Is a one man show not easy as a result registration and payment need your help hor. The seats are filling up FAST, dont hesitate come for 13th October Silkscroll of Health:>
and official launch date for skin vita serum to Skin MagWhite Power Vita Serum

Bryan Lao Shi 名言:
In life be a student (listen with respect) and be a teacher (share with love):>

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