Wednesday, October 17, 2012

4 Oil : is effective

Hi all the 3+1 oil: Lavendula Vera, Peppermint Avenisis, marjoram and Peppermint is super effective in handling stress and ache.

There is one more method for stress and tension headaches (make sure skin not sensitive). I will put a little drop of

AntiBody Ache set is 4 oil at $120.  4 bottles and last a long time. Every drop is pure clinical flora since 1998.

Actions: Activating blood circulation to improve stasis, relaxing muscles and tendons and activating meridians, subsidence of swelling and relieves pains.

For swell: Apply gently and no need massage
For tension and aches: Apply with lite massage.


New Method Strong method:
a)One drop each with rice oil 5 drops on palm and massage affected area. Or squeeze some cream or lotion on palm, one drop each and apply.

b) Rub 1 drop on palm than inhale, and apply temples, forehead, over the sinus (avoid eyes) and on the back of the neck to hellp sooth the head pressure.

New comers, u can do away with ginger oil first and use ginger for footbath 3 times a week to remove wind.
It has been used to alleviate headache, back pain, and post-herpetic neuralgia when applied topically

Simple backache, arthritis, strains, bruises, sprains.
Po Sum On Medicated Oil

The name of this product sounds like a mispronounciation of "pour some on," which seems appropriate enough and is easy to remember it by. But, this is the Cantonese for what is called in mandarin Bao Xin An or "Protect the Heart's Peace" oil.

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