Monday, October 22, 2012

Dampness Herbs and Guideline for consuming liquid

Sunflower Slimming Oil: This sunflower slimming oil is more than slimming. Not only remove dampness, if u drink the following tea 3 times a week, day time and evening do Sunflower Slimming oil massage on tummy, u can see good results. But first let me explain dampness...

Dampness Body:
Beside with eating properly, it is also important to keep yourself hydrated. We should drink at least 8 glasses of water daily( as if is new to u, but did u?).

Actually is better to drink water half hour after meals to aid digestion. And water should be room temperature and cold water will shock your system. U feel shiok taking cold drinks after meal, but u suffer later age.

Drinking too much liquid may cause dampness. I am actually tired of listening to TCM , " U have dampness..."  ENOUGH of Dampness philosphy... so wat.

Dampness is always with us to face the fact. Unless u dont work and stay in a 4 seaon country without stress. With stress we will accumulate dampness.... But if ur Qi is good, it dont bother us much.

But as you know living in this SIM city, everything is stress, our Qi may not as good back in 80s. So this dampness blocks the flow of QI and can hamper functioning of the SPLEEN and KIDNEYS.

U may feel , lethargy, poor circulation, puffy eyes, and bloating.

If u have dampness:

1) Bryan Relaxation Blend 5 drops and rice bran oil 5 drops in a pail of warm water, scrub your body with face towel. Sunflower Slimming Oil massage stomach.
2) Footbath with 5 drops lavendula and 4 drops ginger oil.
3)Fat fat tummy , u use sunflower slimming oil

A De Damp Slimming Power Tea: A non spicy diet with cooked vegetabes and brown rice remove dampness.

Tea : 大麦 ( a metal Tablespoon),陈皮茶 (1-2 pieces) put in 250ml water boil for 30mins.Drink when cool. Ingredients dont eat one:>

Properties: Improve digestions, anti body inflammation, sadness and insomnia,strengthen tummy, Skin Whitening and slimming.

Drink 3 times a week can already. And drink day time. Super good. If u can add a teaspoon of Acacia Honey, it further beautify Skin.

If you want slimming the tummy and see results in 8 days, U drink this tea before 5pm. Than evening do Sunflower Slimming Oil massage stomach.

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