Friday, November 9, 2012

Healing Trees Article

Hi all, I hope you can sense my effort. ehehhe this healing trees articles I hope u will love it

Mother Nature is just life energy and so in reconnecting with her she can help us remove the obstructions and free this energy returning it to source while allowing it to flow through us in a way that allows us to live fully connected with life.

In the article there is a strengthen legs and health exercise. Do it is very good. Also this oil is by the POWER of 4 TREES. First in the world. Do you feel proud and happy to use it:>

The vibrational medicinal properties of this oil is more than u can feel.

NB: When U work with Healing tree oil for exercise: It is important to breathe deeply and slowly while you do this exercise. You might feel tingling, buzzing, warmth or energy coursing through your body, all of which is normal. If you feel yourself getting dizzy slow down the energy flow, and take it easy for a few minutes. Slowly bring yourself back to the present and detach yourself from the tree gently. Thank the healing tree for its assistance, as well as mother earth for her healing and loving energies.
I think this practice is a powerful one because we can be so disconnected from nature in our modern world yet we are a product of nature.


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