Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Life can be meaningful

Life is so beautiful if we learn to share and share with Wisdom too.
Omhealth has extended donations in a practical way to many different parts of the World.
So let us be different. Make a different in your life. Be a dragonfly. Touch and go and dont get attached to your achievements but excel and move on:>

Lessons from Dragon Flies

1) that the dragonfly is a master of power and poise, and can move at an alarming speed of 45 miles per hour while simply flapping its wings a mere 30 times a minute (a fly or a mosquito needs to flap its wings 600-1000 times a minute to accomplish the same movement)?
2)dragonfly is notorious for defeating self-created illusions on its' iridescent appearance, alone? The magical properties of iridescence is also associated with the discovery of one's own abilities and unmasking one's true identity and removing self-inflicted doubts and insecurites. The dragonfly represents self-discovery and the removal of inhibitions at its finest. 3)dragonfly spends most of its life as a nymph or an immature, flying only a fraction of its life (and only a few months)? These insects are recognized for their ability to live in the present, whereby exemplifying the virtue of living life to the fullest and in the moment; a life with no regrets.
4)Approximately 80% of the dragonfly's brain power is dedicated to its sight, and that this symbolizes the uninhibited vision of the mind and the ability to see beyond the limitations of the human self?
5)dragonfly's mode of tranportation, as it skitters across the top of bodies of water is an implication that our deeper thoughts are surfacing and that we should pay heed to this realization? Our thoughts are responsible for what we see in our lives and directly related to the outcomes - positive or negative. The presence of a dragonfly suggests that we must pay close attention to the details under the "surface".
6) dragonflies represent a sense of self that comes only with age and maturity? They encourage us to delve deeper, to pick apart the aspects of ourselves that offer greater meaning as to why we operate the way we do. Above all, the dragonfly lives a short life; this is the greatest lesson we can learn from them.

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