Monday, November 12, 2012

The healing trees essential Oil launched

Legs is the support of whole body. This oil is specially designed too for leg massage. U can put 5 drops in a palm of body lotion and mix massage botg legs. FEEL GROUDED AND QI enters.

Hi all is $45 a bottle. Compare to market a ONE TREE oil cost $120. Is a sincere approach so all can benefits from this oil:>

The healing Tree Oil best usages is apply a drop on each foot before sleep or going to work. It boost your immune system and balance your Qi; Most of us is weak in liver Qi because of too much usages in computer and poor sleep patterns. This Healing Trees oil bring Liver Qi into balance.

U can use in footbath too.
But a drop in your palm inhale from it and see how the scent transformed into different scent which balances you.
The oil consiste of 4 BIG TREES extract. It is also specially good for healing weak heart and weak legs.


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