Monday, May 19, 2014

From the bottom of my heart

I thank all who came to suntec to see me.

Photo: This are the photos I have , those who take pic of Urs and me together can send me ok;) thanks for all the 120 Facebook friend and students who came and hope u love the show and Duckie !!! Is a great weather again!
I was given 10 mins but later was reduced to 7 mins. But again with 15 years of workshop and looking at your faces who came all the way. I manage to share with many on herbs and exercise.

I think the passion for omhealth never one day fade... Thank you.

By right i should stay on backstage while waiting my turn. But again I just like to come out of it and see u all. EHhehe , not forgetting all these years of support u given me. Thank you.

Pictures here are all i have, i will keep all pic u send me de:>

Many times i cant answer sms and whatsapp or reply short sound rude because imagine a day 100 messages de. But all ur questions i take note always share in blog. SO sometimes dont be surprise ur health question remedies i will slowly share de ok:> 

Life is short, we should at all times learn to improve ourselves. I am the same Bryan Lao Shi that many know me since 1998.... Direct and just be friends with mutual respect can le.

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