Sunday, July 27, 2014

Female Cyst.

A cyst is a lump or mass in the body that is made up of a closed sac that may be filled with a gas, a liquid, or a semi-solid material. (see below for the differences between an abscess, cancer, cyst, or tumor.)  There are many types of cysts that can form in various locations in the body.  Most are benign and some will be reabsorbed by the body over time but essential oils seem to accelerate that process.  Enclosed below are some of the more common types of cysts and following this is a more comprehensive list that expands on information originally found in Wikipedia. 

Baker’s cyst – This is swelling in the knee as excess synovial fluid (the lubricant of the knee) builds up in the back of the knee.  This can be caused by a tear in the meniscal cartilage, arthritis, or other knee injuries. If large enough to be felt it will be like a small water balloon and can become painful.

Breast cyst – A common breast cysts occurs in those in their 30s or 40s as milk glands may grow up to one inch in diameter. These cysts, if large enough to be felt, may feel like a small water balloon, a lump with quite distinct edges. Breast cysts can be associated with fibrocystic disease wherein unusual fibrous growth of tissue in the breast can produce a mottled texture.  Again these lumps will have well defined edges.  These cysts are associated with hormone changes in the body and associated pain or discomfort can vary during the monthly menstrual cycle.  These are generally benign growths and some will disappear over time.

Ganglion cyst - These cysts form at joints in the body and are common in the area of the wrist.  A common name used is Bible Bump coming from the concept if they were thumped with a heavy book they would disperse (might work temporarily).  There is not a  known reason for their formation.  They are associated with the sheath that holds the synovial fluid around joints and tendons.  They fill with a fluid similar to the synovial fluid and it may thicken or harden over time.
Ovarian cyst –The most common type, functional ovarian cysts, form during the monthly menstrual cycle.  There are other types of ovarian cysts that can result from diseases including cancerous cells. Functional cysts may form on or inside the ovarian glands and are not uncommon during child-bearing years. During the monthly cycle when an egg develops in a follicle it may not release in the normal way and the fluid that remains becomes a follicular cyst.  If the egg is released but the remaining follicle accumulates blood the cyst is called a corpus luteum cyst.  Each of these may become painful if they enlarge or break open. Spotting or bleeding may occur.

Sebaceous cyst – These are usually found as lumps under the skin and are a result of a swollen hair follicle or some skin trauma.  The sac of this cyst is filled with keratin, the protein used to form hair and nails in the body.  These cysts are typically small and slow growing but they can, on occasion, become inflamed and tender or painful.  This may include drainage of a pus like material.

 Ovarian Cyst Blend

Healing Trees Oil 5 drops, Frankincense 6 to 10 drops, Rose Geranium 8 drops in 30 drops rice bran Oil.

Optional:  Some add a drop of Ten spice oil to it;

A lady who have cyst did these:
A) She did a retention tampon nightly for 4 nights, off for 2 nights and 4 more nights. She also rubbed this blend on topically and on her ankle bone on both sides of  her feet, working down from the ankle bone to the arches of her feet. .
B) Many times around the time of the month when a woman's hormones are wreaking havock on the body and may  get a migraine.U can put the blend on abdomen and recieved almost instant relief - usually after about 20 minutes or so.  Also this helps in cramped.

For serious cramped, once apply, can extra  a drop peppermint with warm palm on stomach and neck.

C) Some woman have cyst and use the above blend works wonder.

Woman Prevent Cyst by

i) Jasmine flower tea five nights a week.
1) Rid your life of toxins (cleaning products, birth control meds etc)
2) lessen soy at all since it is estrogenic
3) Dramatically increase amount of good fats - especially virgin coconut oil, grass-fed butter and fermented cod liver oil. Fats are hormone-balancing.
5) Avoid sugar since insulin levels are tied to hormones.
6) Bryan lao shi POsitive affirmation, Qi Gong and breathing exercise

 Natural Yeast Infection Remedies in the Bath

If you prefer not to use a tampon for whatever reason, there are other methods you can use. You can create a bath oil using tea tree, lavender or  Bryan relax Blend (also known to be helpful against yeast infections) with a rice bran oil (15 rops of essential oil per 30ml rice bran oil).

Wrist and finger Cyst

Jon had a ganglion cyst on his for 6 month. He tried rose geranium direct on it day and frankincense at night. (for me if u are not sensitive, u can direct, but some u may want dilute with rice bran oil. After 1 month it was about 2/3 the original size and much softer. Another application wiped it out.

U can dilute by 8 drops frankincense and 8 drops rose geranium in 5ml rice oil. Use this blend daily.

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