Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Power Bath 2 ( see label beside for old powerbath method)

Do remember u can use shopping cart now for orders. And choose to transfer or Paypal. The system of pay first and send once payment made is good for me. So I can focus more time on research than tracking payments.

Cypress: Relieve asthma, arthritis, rheumatism, cramps, varicose veins, and heavy menstrual flow.It's astringent properties causes the tissues in your gums, skin, muscles, and even hair follicles to contract, which strengthens them and holds them in place. 
For people suffers from shock or nerves issue, u can use cypress oil.

Rosewood Oil: Open your heart, The essential oil of Rosewood is said to be stimulating and powerful in creating energy enrichment.  Help the body regain its rhythm with nature and in this process of restoring good health.  This oil very anti-depression, stimulating and uplifting properties of this oil instills confidence as it is known to bring fire back.
Helps in regaining your energy naturally. Fearful, anxious, disheartened, nervous and hectic situations will take go away de. U can use this oil wipe office table also.

18th Year Anniversary Class with Omhealth

All powerful news and informations.
Fees: $35
Venue confirmed will inform.
Email , mobile,, Leng Leng will confirm u with the seats.

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