Thursday, August 20, 2015

The Fats Go

Sunflower Slimming Oil and Bryan's Tonic's Oil

Is a good buy if u going Orchard Central:> I will blend 5 bottles of Bryan's tonic oil. Bryan's tonic oil is blend on base on weather and season. Each bottle is different. At $55 each. So u go orchard central collect from Leng leng is $45 as there is discount for this bottle itself. But if u get a oil lavender $28 no discount ok. Only u spend above $50.
To collect oil at orchard central, u must prepare exact cash for leng leng and collect from her after my talk only and avoid stage area ok:. Thanks ah

This 2 oil was created for detox and healing. Each bottle is 120ml

U cant loose weight in 5 days. But if u wan u can have flatter stomach and toning in 5 days. If u for 5 days, after 5pm cannot eat carbo but only a drum stick or fish soup no rice. But can u.
U can drink water. Even fruits must eat before 3pm. Just for 5 days. And use the slimming oil.

Sunflower Slimming Oil  $50

When u combine this oil with simple massage on ur legs, u can see cellulite reduces.

Cellulite (also known as gynoid lipodystrophy or orange peel syndrome) can start to affect women. The fat cells in the deeper layers of the epidermis can increase in volume drastically – to up to 30 times their original size.

Legs Cellulite
Massage a sunflower slimming oil in circular motions into the affected areas, really massage deeply with your knuckles to break up the hard fatty deposits. Cellulite can be sensitive so use a pressure .

 After showering, pat your skin dry. Whilst slightly damp with pores still open, gently massage 10mls of the cellulite blend with the palms of both hands to your affected area and the whole area to disperse the toxins and improve the flow of blood, picking up the toxins for elimination.

 Say positive affirmations. "I love my body. I have beautiful, firm, toned muscles and skin", "I am cleansing now!"

Tummy and waistline: U apply and massage. Not only u feel digestion good and after a week can remove water retention.

Weight Lost water retention removal

30 gram Chinese barley, boil with some water with pandan leaf. Or u can make more and keep in fridge and drink for 2 days.

Squeeze some lemon on it. Well honey max is a teaspoon to a cup. No sugar.

Drink 3 times a week.

Pandan leafs cure anxiety, weak nerves, super tired feeling. U need make urself, nowsaday hawker lazy , seldom they use pandan leaf in cooking. Can u imagine a dessert store cant even cook a green bean soup properly is terrible nowsaday ahaha.

Boneaches,stiff neck and body Joint Pain

A) Shower with warm water, or powerbath and compress joint pain area.

Than drink a cup of barley with pandan leaf (chinese barley). Than within 1 hour of drink. Use 3 oil and rice oil on joint pain massage gently.

NB: Above is effective, but one thing i angry is u all , always lazy, have the things dont do, and here pain there pain and complaint, last time like that , now like that. Need scolding.

Bryan's Tonic Oil: As the name says, use it massage body , waist line and knee caps and upper back to heal body. Is a tonic.

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