Thursday, March 7, 2019

Wonderful Skincare

Is so important to use skincare that suit ur skin and wonderful results will be attained.

Today i want to share with u the importance of omhealth Lavender Water with grapefruit extract.

Do u know omhealth lavender water can cool ur head down beside good for skin.

This lavender flower water makes it ideal for treating skin outbreak or acne. If your skin is clogged up, lavender water can help detoxify your skin and refine the appearance of pores. The gently scent reduce anxiety and stress, and calm your nerves.
The inclusion of grapefruit extract helps in the skin brightening and dullness.

I use as toner especially this hot humid weather in Singapore.

Lavender Organic water is great to use long term for skin.
I love to keep them in fridge. And everyday use some cotton and damp it and put on face for 2 mins is a great way to use it.

Active Serum is arriving this Friday. The eucalyptus stemcell serum brings alot of surprise to those who use it. The scent is all natural (zero fragrance and chemicals) and the texture is amazing.

Mainly it helps to beauitfy skin, detoxify and purify skin as well as reducing the creation of free radicals to restore skin clarity and function. ... It also helps in supporting skin healing. Activate the skin capability to be strong again.

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