Saturday, May 9, 2020

Good Emotion and Good Health

Hi all

Hope you are doing well.

I understand that many are abit Sian about the lock down and many things we want to do but lost the freedom to do it. Well , all this shall pass.
In the mean time take care of your body mind and emotions.

Here are the Oil to use for May 2020 and the tea to make for goodness, wellness and to me is hengness.

I am giving a Promocode for all students for supporting us during this period of time.

U can use the promocode m12. 12 % discount for $120 and above; It ends on Monday.

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Sleep Quality and anxiety Issues.

I suggest this period use Egypt Geranium oil in the evening time.

A pump of my carrier oil like (rice bran oil or Jojoba Oil or  coconut oil) and 2 drops Egypt geranium and mix and massage neck chest and shoulders.

Also inhale a drop of meilissa oil from tissue (put beside bed).

U can get your Egypt Geranium at bryanwellness

Those who have my Egypt Geranium please use it this period of time: It balance emotions enhancing the general sense of well-being and relaxation, while offering relief to those who have insomnia. (please dilute it because if very strong)

Herbs to drink and is good for energy luck too:> for 2020 May.
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1) 老山洋参须 和无花果 罗汉果

  • 无花果能帮助人体对食物的消化,促进食欲,又因其含有多种脂类,故具有润肠通便的效果;降血压、预防冠心病的作用;有抗炎消肿之功,可利咽

I mix 2 chinese table spoon of YangShengXu, 2 dry Figs and one monk fruit. half pot of water.

Boil for 30mins.

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