Sunday, November 23, 2008


Specially designed by Edric Hsu. Reiki 3 master
Congratulations to Edric for coming up with his very own deck of ART Therapy Mandala card. I have the privilege to be among the first few to look at the cards. My heart smiled with happiness and excitement when I look through the cards, as they are so beautifully designed by this talented Reiki 3 master. Each and every cards were specially energised with positive affirmations to bring happiness into life. This is what I called color therapy :D
NB: I will share usages of this color therapy soon :D


Unknown said...

Hi Bryan,
I have always enjoyed reading your article in i-weekly. Besides the useful health infor, I enjoy looking at the pictures drawn by Mr Edric Hsu as well. His pictures has a healing impact on me. I feel very much at peace and sometimes happy when I saw those i-weekly pictures in your articles. I will definitely support this mandala card.

Unknown said...

Congrats to Mr Edric.
Me too. I love to look at all his pictures illustrations both in this blog and i-weekly.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for telling me how to use the 3 oil method. My aunty is a lot better now.
Thank you.


Anonymous said...

Wow edric's drawing is nice. ANd i have his mandala which bring good Qi to my house. I have even invited edric to draw a fengshui painting for my house. Is really a nice art piece.

Anonymous said...

Nice drawing and i definitely want a collection of Edric's good luck drawings.
