Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Something to share :)

Hi all. Today, I would like to share a blog with you. The blog owner is called Kim.
Hmm...Who is Kim? Well, I have known Kim for many years. She has been a supplier for natural therapy products since 1999 and has been my supplier for years as well.
Most of the incense, resins and raw materials like herbs and soap making base that you saw during my aromatherapy classes were supplied by Kim.

I like to share what I find its good and of reasonable prices in my blog. This is the reason why I am sharing about Kim's blog today. Kim works from home, so I encouraged her to come up with her own blog since blogging is so common now. It really took her quite a while to come up with her own blog...hmm...finally she has one now! Hooray! One of my favourite Kim's product is the mud mask and sandalwood powder. As most of you know, sandalwood has always been my favourite and I am very particular about quality. I was so overjoyed when Kim has sandalwood powder which is so natural.

Check out her blog http://kimherbshop.blogspot.com/ The mud mask and sandalwood powder is worth a try :) The mud mask can easily cost more then $80 in a good spa salon...

Hmmm...I will be on LIVE radio TODAY on Love FM 97.2 at 4pm. Tune in if you can :D

Oh, I made a mistake in the date for my cooking class and part 1 class in 2009. Check out updated class details at


Anonymous said...

Hi bryan lao shi is very interest to try mud mask and sandalwood powder it must be very relax oh thanks for sharing kim blog.hooray!

Anonymous said...

I am very fortunate n met u, Bryan Lao Shi to be my friend this yr 2008. Bryan, u r very caring n loving person. U know how to take gd care of yr friend.

Bryan, thk u for sharing yr friend, Kim's Blog with us.

Gd nite n Sweet Dream

Unknown said...

Sandalwood powder mask sounds so interesting! Its very new to me and I am going to give it a try! Thanks bryan

Anonymous said...

hi, Bryan

first time i heard ur voice in radio...you got potential to be DJ....really great to hear you share ur exprience and expertise in radio....keep it up


Anonymous said...

Yeah, Bryan Lao Shi has improved in Mandarin conversation n more confident of speaking Mandarin at his Mandarin Workhshop on 31/10/08 n 14/11/08. Bryan, u can do it, Well Done n Keep It Up.

I have attended 2 Bryan Lao Shi Mandarin Workshop on those 2 days with his faithful student.

I have being practising ankle rotation bec of my poor bld circulation n my bld vessel will be clogged very easily n so painful. Bryan, i cannot stand anticlockwise of ankle rotation n so aching n painful to bare it.

I have tried the foot massage with massage oil with body lotion that it has improved in gd bld circulation n i can sleep very well every night.

fm karen tong