Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Good Luck Activation

Very excited! Bryan's designer T-shirt is out already :D
A big THANK YOU to De Duke boutique for inviting OMHEALTH to design with the help of Edric Hsu :)

Good health and good luck will come only if you vaccum away your negative thoughts and unblock your energy. Positive thinking is the key to achieve what you want in life. Constant complaining and negative thoughts amplify negative energy.

So start saying daily,
"I choose to release all negtaive thoughts.
I deserve to be happy and spread love and light to everyone around me."

I know everyone is waiting for next year 5 elements oil. Good news. It will be launched next week. Stay tune. Updated :


Anonymous said...

Yes, i have agreed with Bryan Lao Shi to release my negative ki n thought out of my mind n body.

I am in the process to be a healthy person that i am more willing to get rid of my financial problem, shoulder n neck pain bec of my burden in yr 2008.

I have promised myself those things that i will do in balance days of Dec 2008 to pray at 2 Guan Yin Temple for gd health n luck in yr 2009.

Bryan, i love my Bldstone Bracelet with Smoky Quartz Tianchu. It is really gorgeous, elegant, unique n hearted shaped bracelet to be my costume jellewery n truly expensive to me.

Yeah, i have attended n completed all Bryan Lao Shi Workshop in the
2nd half of yr 2008 without any regret at all.

Bryan Lao Shi, thks a lot.

Anonymous said...

I really like your 5 elements oil and I was so sad when u said no more already.
Now I am very very happy to hear there is a 5 element oil designated for next year.
U made my day!


Unknown said...

your 5 elememts oil is very good. I used it for flu prevention. I can't bear to use it when u say u will stop making this blend.
I look forward to your 5 elements oil for 2009.