Friday, December 12, 2008

Bread And Daily Food Change

At one point of time, I can't see the cause for my bloated stomach. I came to realise whose the 'culprit' during a meet up with one of my friend who happens to be a nuitritionist. Guess who is the 'culprit' ??
It is the bread I eat every morning! There are a lot of bread in the market that contains preservatives and milk. Many people may not realised this and thereby experienced frequent bloated stomach. I was lucky to learn about this in time :) Since the, I will try to eat preservatives free and soy milk bread. The bread on the left as shown above is currently my favorite bread. Taste good but only 40 cent more expensive. NO PRESERVATIVES. (DAILY Bread must eat better one)
Small little steps >>> BIG IMPROVEMENTS IN HEALTH :D
Many items that we eat daily at home could be bleached (bad), I will share more on this area in my next posting. Sometimes, we can just spend a dollar more to switch to better items. I will continue to research on more brands :>
'Health and Beauty with Bryan' on 30 Jan 2009 caters specially for those who have not attend my workshop before. You can register now at (first timer, and in Mandarin )
New comers: Product list


Anonymous said...

Congratulation to u n i love yr Cantonese Song bec of my unique Dialect fm my grandparent fm China.

Anonymous said...

Hi Bryan Lao Shi.

I never beleived myself a female customer touching my left hand around my left wrist to touch my precious bracelet like a pervert.

I do not allow anyone to touch it at all bec of bad ki fm them. I already know a few methods of how to cleanse or recharge my bracelet.

I have bought n worn my Fluorite Bracelet on my right wrist fm my girlfriend shop.

fm mingxiang

Anonymous said...

I went moon tanning with my 2 Bao Bei, pulling backward my sleeve of my sweater n let my bracelet absorb the energy fm the 15th day moon.

Anonymous said...

I consent lao shi say if can eat food no preservatives can improve our health can be better avoid illnesses away because for me i have changing to eat sometimes so now my health is more better than last time.

Anonymous said...

Bryan Lao Shi, yr beatuiful activated bracelet has brought a lot of joy n happiness to me.

My health n relationship with my family, colleague n customer have improved bec of yr activated bracelet to me n attended all Workshop/Seminar with 6 mths without any regret all.

I have received my new n expensive pair of shoe n 4 new bags fm my baby sister as my Xmas n Chinese New Year present this yr 2008.

I am lucky those items suit my taste n very easily blend with clothing for the yr 2009.

Bryan, thks a lot.

fm kt

Anonymous said...

I do not apply lavendula on my bruise on my cheekbone at all but by using Zam-Buk n one hard boiled egg to roll over the bruise on that day.

My Bloodstone Bracelet, Smoky Quartz with Tianchu has helped me to cleanse or clear bld clog on my cheekbone but still felt the pain getting lesser each day.

My face complexion has improved, more radiant n clarity 80% by using yr Omhealth Astiquer Facial Treatment Cleanser since 25/10/2008.