Tuesday, December 9, 2008

START DETOX Natural today

NB: Designer : Bryan's Crystal Garden. One only www.bryanverygoodluck.blogspot.com

Many people thought Detox means eating less or go on an empty stomach once a month or even consuming detox pill.
However, do you know that the real meaning of Detox is to have detox foodcure in our daily diet.
Why do we need daily detox? The reason is very simple, the food we are consuming now or the types of skincare we are using, contains many unknown chemicals which is readily absorb into our food and skin.
My first mission is to change my hair shampoo and skin care to chemical free. You will be surprise how much better you feel after using chemical free products. Start small from skin care :D

I guess it will not be easy for us to avoid all the food that contains chemical. I will suggest everyone to use Ancient Chinese detox food to detox toxic. Personally, I will have either one of the below items everyday :)

A. Green Bean 绿豆
Metal poison, remove toxic, medicine toxic and herbal toxic. Above is green bean barley. I like to drink the soup for skin whitening and acne prevention :)

B. Pig blood 猪血
Heavy metal toxic, dust and intestine toxic.

C. Tea 茶叶
One cup on alternate day and the tea should not be too thick. Helps to remove general toxic.

D. Figs 无花果

E. Radish 萝卜
胡萝卜也是有效的解毒食物。不仅含有丰富的胡萝卜素,食后能增加颂逦 谹,而且含有大量的果胶,这种物质与汞结合,能有效地降低血液中汞离子的浓度,加速体内汞离子的排除。

Later I will be sharing a soup recipe on radio Love 97.2 Live at 4pm. Do tune in if you are interested to learn more :D


Anonymous said...

Hi Bryan Lao Shi.

OMG, i am going to miss yr love 97.2FM Live talk at 4pm today.

I really hope u can share yr secret receipe with yr student 2morrom at yr Blog.

Thk u for yr attention.

Bryan, may god bless u n yr family with gd health, keep smiling n successful career including Brett n his family in USA.

Anonymous said...

I will try Fu Lin with English barley for puffy eyes bec i have experiencing sharp pain at my eyes for a few days.

Anonymous said...

Hi Bryan, gd morning.

I will try yr green bean n english barley soup for detox today.

Yeah, it is very true that we have consumed too much toxic inside our body esp preservative.

Bryan, thk u for yr reply via
e-mail to me yesterday.

Bryan, i am feeling slightly better after i have confessed out to my friend n colleague.