Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Carrier Oil

Is about time to share with all about carrier oil

In commercial world now, u can find many kinds of oil . Some says are natural but yet can be on shelf for 3 years and if u look at the ingredients is natural oil plus some mineral oil and fragrance chemicals.

For 18 years omhealth has 3 kind of carrier oil or vegetable oil for skin (not cooking)

We didnt wanna do much on the label because is not necessary . If this oil is spoilt it will have a smell. And all oil u receive is very fresh.

As we aged, using natural oil on body is extremely important. Many of us neglect our body skin nourishment. As a result when aged many starts to have hives, eczema or skin issues.

I have seen alot when doing volunteer work for elderly. And if only all can listen to me to apply few drops of oil on body after shower can really beautify skin.

If legs foots dry, u apply and wear socks can see great results.
Image result for jojoba fruit

1) Rice Bran Oil
2) Jojoba Oil Eabsorb
3) Coconut oil Eabsorb

Personal Use: For me I love to use carrier oil for body.

Sometimes I will put few drops on palm and 3 drops of any aroma oil and massage legs or arms.

9 Benefits of Using Carrier oil

1) Protect skin from harm environmental pollutions
2) Nourish skin but not block pores like mineral oil
3) Repair skin problems ( a good news for eczema skin if u combine with double blue flower aloe gel)
4) Recovery from scar (no chemical so safe)
5) Smoothen skin (especially if ur feet has fungus infection , u apply lavender oil direct for first 3 days, follow by a few drops carrier oil, the rest 4 days apply tea tree oil too.
6) Radiance of body skin
7) Refresh skin cells
8) Skin whitening and pregnant women and babies can use jojoba very good prevent lines.

For Singapore weather i use oil at evening time before sleep. 

Facial Oil JUST For Face

1) Neroli facial oil
2) 4 R rose facial Oil
3) Immortella facial Oil

Extra Tips

Cold Sore Treatment

Prone to cold sores? Dabbing coconut oil on them can help speed up healing time, alleviate pain and reduce the risk of scarring or discoloration.
Coconut oil contains three fatty acids —capric, caprylic and lauric acid — that possess both disinfectant and antimicrobial properties, helping to protect against as well as heal microbial infections
Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, coconut oil is on a rise in popularity for treating skin conditions like eczemapsoriasis and other skin conditions. In fact, a recent study found that 46 percent of patients with a chronic skin disease who used coconut oil had an excellent response in treating their condition. Meanwhile, only 19 percent of those who used mineral oil (chemical oil in market) to treat their condition had an excellent response.  If you suffer from a skin disease, using coconut oil regularly might help alleviate symptoms.
Rice bran, coconut, jojoba
If your skin’s seriously dry, apply oil for skin is one of the best remedies. Rub  in hands to warm it up and then use it in lieu of body lotion. Focus on spots like elbows and knees that tend to get even drier than other spots.
Rice bran oil active ingredients:
– Gamma-oryzanol, ferulic acid: Beneficial for skin health. They have powerful antioxidant activity – –Phytosterols: anti-inflammatory, healing and restorative.
– Carotenoids: beta-carotene (pro-vitamin A), lycopene: healthy glow and natural antioxidants.
– Vitamin E: natural antioxidant.
– Enzymes (co-enzyme Q10, polyphenol oxidase…): protects the skin aging induced by free radicals.
– Minerals: calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, copper …
Jojoba Sometimes, you can apply across the body before bathing. You can massage your body to stimulate blood circulation, which will provide you with radiant skin.
I will damp my body than 10 drops jojoba oil on palm and massage the damp body. Rinse off abit. And wipe body. Whole body smooth

Oil can be found here:

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