Thursday, December 4, 2008

Busy week

Hmmm...whenever I announced about my crystal color therapy class here, I will received emails from "competitors" questioning me about the fees charged because the fees I am charging is one third of the market rate.

Actually, I do not have any intention to spoilt the market price and affect others' ricebowls. I was deeply impressed by the art of crystals and colors therapy at a very young age..Back then in 1998, I wanted so badly to learn more in this area but a class on such topics is around $500. Therefore, I had the impression that crystal therapy course is only meant for the rich and well to do families. Years of research and learning did not come by easy, though it has been very enriching for me. Now that I have the ability to conduct my very own crystal class, I told myself I will make it easy to understand and affordable for most people. The main reason why I started this class is because crystals and colors therapy can help people and hopefully more people can benefit from this alternative help.

The next crystal color class is on the 14th of Feb 2009. The fees is $108, which includes a chakra crystal bag.

The class will focus on healing methods and how different colors can affect our body system. Participants will also learn how to release negative thought and energy pattern in our body that obstruct us from further development.

If you have some difficulties to make full lump sum payment for the class fees, and wish to pay by instalment, let me know. I am ok with it and your identity will be kept confidential. Crystal class is the basic foundation before you are qualify to attend crystal practical class to learn more...

Check out for Brett's last shipment of rare crystals before Xmas; Amazing 8 Sign cave. Amazing rose quartz Tian di ren explained.
If you have been searching high and low for rare amethyst cave, this is a very good piece at a reasonable price. Ok, I got to prepare for this Friday's crystal practical class. Those who register for exercise class saturday, don't be late ya. See you :D


Anonymous said...

Hi Bryan Lao Shi, gd morning.

I cannot click to for my viewing at all.

fm mingxiang

Anonymous said...

Hi Bryan Lao Shi.

Another 2 website i cannot click to n for my viewing all.

fm mingxiang

Anonymous said...

I have attended my Crystal Colour Workshop by paying Bryan Lao Shi by 2 instalnments of S$108.00 on 13/9/2008. I have fully paid my course fee with Bryan Lao Shi for this Workshop.

I am very lucky that i have the courage to email Bryan Lao Shi's permission 1st for instalnment plan with Bryan bec there r still 5 seats for this Worshop.

I have no regret of attending his class on 13/09/2008. I have attended his 1st Crystal Practical Class on 25/10/08.

I have worn my beautiful, unique, multi-colour Bloodstone Bracelet with Smoky Quartz with Tianchu on my left wrist since 25/10/08.

Bryan, u have changed my mindset fm negative thinker to positive thinker that i am nowaday more cheerful, sporty, chatty, playful n naughty to tease my friend n colleague by blinking my eyes n french kiss for fun.

I am now a animal lover cum slave n love dogs, cat, hamster n chinchilla. If i am free, i will alway visit my Hamster n Chinchilla Petshop at Blk 416, Bedok North St 1.

Bryan, thks a lot.

fm karen tong

Anonymous said...

I never regret to attend the crystal workshop. I have find my health improves and relationship with my family too.

Thanks so much. Laoshi your color reading in the class for us is so accurate. Will you consider performing for private session.


Anonymous said...

Haven been using LAVC water for a week. Skin clarity improves by 30%. Grade A product.

Serene (NTU)

Anonymous said...

Hi Bryan.

I am surprised n stunned that i have yr playing card at my desk n actual reading for me on 13/9.

I am spending more time for resting at home bec of physical exhausation n insomina n still continued working at the workforce.

I have my facial with acne problem due to myself loves to surf internet very late n internal heatiness together with my female colleague yesterday.

I have shown great improvement in my sleeping hr have increased n skin complexion getting more radiant by using Omhealth Astiquer Facial Treatment Cleanser n very gentle n chemical free every nite.

I love to do ankle rotation that it has improved in my leg bld circulation. The wooden comb can cure hair loss.

I have visited n fetched Kelvin out of the pte condo for a stroll at the natural park plus doing yoga posture, mediation, breathing n VW exercise, aura cleansing with Energy Chakra.

I am being pulled n dragged by Kelvin for 100m to 150m running with him. Kelvin is really energetic, playful, naughty n very yang oh to attract my attention for love n comfort.

fm Sweety Baby

Anonymous said...

Hi Yan Wah De, Bryan Lao Shi.

If yr competitor still emailed to u for being complaining abt yr pricelist abt yr product or course fee at yr 2 Blogs.

Bryan, u just ignored those email fm yr competitor bec we, student cum consumer have beneffited fm yr gd customer service, afforable price to buy yr product n for educating n guiding us with a lot of Health n Beauty Tips in Sin n Overseas.

Attn: Competitor

If u have copied our Bryan Lao Shi's receipes to be used in yr Biz, pls kindly donated part of yr revenue/ profit in name of Yan Wah De, Bryan to the Charity Organisation for gd cause.

Thk u for yr attention.

fm Dong Ming Xiang

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm, i am going to double boiled Bryan's Blk Bean Soup for 2 n half hrs to eat with white rice tonite.
I love to eat chicken legs.

100g Blk bean(soaked for 2hrs)
40g wolfberry seeds
40g Huai San
10 red dates(remove seeds)
1 blk chicken(remove skin n marinate with salt for 1hr)
Add 2 to 3 slice of ginger
salt to taste

The soup shld be very tasty n yummy for a try.

I have just completed by 1st pkt 250g organic blk seasame at NTUC.
I am so lazy that i have stopped taking my blk seasame for a few wks.

I have fried my 200g blk seasame for the preventation of white hair n still waiting to let it cool down before i have stored it inside my tupperware.

Anonymous said...

Bryan you sure you want to accept paymt by instalment? People can easily default in their payment and it is very tiring to chase after people for payment.
You are too kind hearted liao

Anonymous said...

Hi Bryan Lao Shi, gd morning.

Yeah, i have tried yr secret receipe of Bryan's Blk Bean Soup.
It really helped a bit to cure my backache n fatigue.

I went to sleep slightly early at 10 plus n woke up at 5.30am this morning.

Anonymous said...

Lao shi thanks for helping me to do the wealthbowl. I collected with alot of happiness yesterday. Lao shi i love the facial scrub. Can i use more than twice a week.

Anonymous said...

Hi Li Ping at 7.43am, 6th Dec.

Re: New Aroma Facial Scrub

If u dun believe me, u can click to for clear explaination n info abt our Bryan Lao Shi's Beauty Care Product at this website.


Wet yr face, just abt the scrub, and rub over the face gently for 10 to 15 seconds to wash off. Follow by the serum. Thats all scrub once a week. Maxiumum Twice
(2times per week).

I have my 1st try this New Aroma Facial Scrub on my Right Palm fm Lao Shi on 23/8/08(Part 3) n rub on my palm to scrub away dead cell n went to toilet washed away with water n soap.

fm Sweety Baby