Just Kwa Neck and SHoulder (helps fatigue and eye bags... ALl green class student, do today tomorrow let me check ur SHA)
Those student tomorrow, if u do Kua sha and let me check ur sha tomorrow, I give u a present.
This month is good to do a rice bran 3 oil neck shoulder self kwa Sha. As the seasonal change.... doing kwa sha this month is like doing a BIG detox for the year.
U need a porcelain Spoon (smooth edges) and any oil u have at home. But I suggest use my 3 oil... Aiya not marketing la... been around 16 years le... many try feel triple good.... Do for ur parents they will thank u.
This month the weather , body will expel a lot waste materials . So if u do a stomach detox follow by neck shoulder kwa sha. Ur health will benefits.
few drops of rice bran oil on palm, 2 drops lavendula, peppermint and marjoram on it than rub all over neck shoulder. Left some apply stomach. Now take a kwa sha plates.
After that dap lavender oil on skin direct and wipe with tissue.
B) Kwa Shoulders.50 times left and right. The hand no need la. So below picture I only kwa shoulder, hand I didn't do. Apply more rice oil ok.
Very soon the skin becomes red. The amazing thing is, that on places where disorders are hidden, bloody spots appear in the skin - not on the skin - comparable to hemorrhage. Because the scraping is on the oily skin, the patient will hardly feel any pain - neither during nor after the treatment - and the „bloody" areas will fully disappear within 3 to 7 days.
the subcutis, the connective tissue, the bloodvessels, the lymph system, the periosteum, the muscles, the nerves, the meridians, the brain and the immune system and through them on the various functions, systems and organs of the entire body. Via the skin, the subcutis, the nerves and the spinal cord, it stimulates or balances corresponding functions and organs.
Benefits of Detox Scraping
- Restores normal metabolic processes
- Lowers fever because gua sha mimics sweating
- Helps build immunity
It moves "stagnation", promoting normal circulation to the muscles, tissues, and organs directly beneath the surface treated
Diabetics: Heart condition or any health problems ask uu medical advice before do.Read disclaimer. As all regretting is regretted because u no regret doing.
For 10 years promoting 3 oil and rice oil combine kwa sha... see beside label under 3 oil
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